Sunday Brunch with... Kate Hewitt
Happy Sunday!
I’m so happy to be here again for our weekly appointment.
This Sunday I’m so excited to introduce…
Kate Hewitt
A. Quiet, crazy, faith-centered.
Q. Choose three adjectives for your last novel, A Vicarage Christmas.
A. Heartwarming, poignant, hopeful.
Q. What inspired you to write The Holley Sisters of Thornthwaite Series?
A. Having lived in a vicarage in the Lake District for four years, as well as having four daughters of my own, it’s a bit of art imitating life! I loved the hustle and bustle of a vicarage, and what it means for different people, and I wanted to explore that in a series of stories.
Q. Who was your favorite character to write and why?
A. I loved writing the mother, Ruth Holley, because she’s kind of an ideal of what I would like to be as a mum of adult children, and yet I hope she’s very real and relatable too.
Q. What was the funny part about writing your latest series?
A. How art imitated life unintentionally—the four daughters in the book (loosely!) resemble my own daughters, which I didn’t mean to happen!
Q. What inspires you to write?
A. Everything around me—there are always stories to be told.
Q. This year many of your novels and series has been released. Which one has the most important place in your heart and why?
A. I feel a special closeness to A Vicarage Christmas because it’s so close to my own life. I really hope people connect with it.
Q. If you could be one of your characters for a day, who would it be and why?
A. Ruth Holley, because secretly, or not so secretly, I want to be her!
Q. What author/s has/have most influenced your writing?
A. Lots of authors and books—I love reading. I don’t know if I could point to one particular author, but reading well-written stories with engaging characters always helps me hone my own writing.
Q. Is there a genre you want to experiment with?
A. I’m moving towards more issue-driven fiction with a bit of a psychological twist.
Q. What is the most difficult part of your writing?
A. When I’m a few thousand words in and am wondering what on earth I’m doing.
Q. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
A. In a review of A Vicarage Christmas, someone said that I clearly knew what I was writing about! That made me smile.
Q. What are you working on now?
A. I am working on A Vicarage Reunion, the second book in the series.
Q. Could you share with us a habit Kate really enjoys in her daily life?
A. I love spending time with family, walking our dog, and baking aesthetically displeasing but delicious things!
Q. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
A. Hopefully in the same house, since we’ve moved a lot. And hopefully doing more or less the same thing, which I love.
Q. Could you share with us a happy photo of you?
Thanks again for your time, Kate! 😊
Thanks for having me!
About the author
Kate Hewitt is the USA Today bestselling author of over 60 books of women’s fiction and romance. She is the author of the Hartley-by-the-Sea series, set in England’s Lake District and published by Penguin. She is also, under the name Katharine Swartz, the author of the Tales from Goswell books, a series of time-slip novels set in the village of Goswell.
She also writes for Harlequin Presents.
She likes to read romance, mystery, the occasional straight historical and angsty women’s fiction; she particularly enjoys reading about well-drawn characters and avoids high-concept plots.
Having lived in both New York City and a tiny village on the windswept northwest coast of England, she now resides in a market town in Wales with her husband, five children, and an overly affectionate Golden Retriever.
For more about Kate, check her website HERE!